Category Archives: The Toyotas

Everything relating to the 2004 Toyota Sequoia and the 2007 Toyota Tundra

More Stats From the Road

A few posts ago I wrote about how expensive fuel is in Turkey. We are breathing somewhat of a sigh of relief that we are no longer forking over $10 per gallon for gas. Unfortunately, fuel is still pretty expensive here in the EU and we have updated the stats page with just how much […]

There is Something About Those Trucks

Our trucks stick out. I have touched on the subject a few times before, but it is something that bears mentioning basically in every country we travel though. Driving the Tundra and the Sequoia seems to attract a lot of attention. In the planning phases of our expedition, people warned us not to drive new, […]

Pain at the Pump

I know oil and gas prices are on a lot of people’s minds these days. As the price of oil flirts with over $100 a barrel and oil hungry countries continue to dangle under the puppet strings of OPEC, the price of fuel (petrol) in many countries has never been higher. We have had the […]

Apparently, We Are Not Alone

We have been through a descent number of countries on our way around the world, have seen our fair share of cars and have a pretty good grasp on the type of cars that seem to be most prevalent. Without a doubt, Toyota comes in as the heavyweight to date in terms of the sheer […]

Top ten reasons why Toy Tec changed(saved) our lives.

When we first encountered water that would could not get the trucks through in Laos, we realized that we could wait no longer for some lifts on the trucks.  With the roads as bad as they are in some parts of this journey, backtracking as little as 75km can take the better part of a […]

It Was Bound To Happen

It was bound to happen. We knew in the planning phases of this expedition that even though you can minimize your exposure to theft, you can never fully protect yourself from it. We expected that we would become victims of theft at some point on the expedition, but it still does not make it any […]

While Bouey was hurting his butt.

For those of you regular blog readers, you have recently been made aware of the trials and tribulations of Bouey’s recent Mongolian horse riding experiences.  The truth is that my jealousy abounds over this painful experience.  Instead of having wild experiences at a wedding in western Mongolia, I had the opportunity to fly home to […]

If It Isn’t One Thing…

I am sure all of you are pretty sick of Steve and I telling you how crazy, bad, rough, or whatever negative adjective you choose, some of the roads are that we have encountered on the expedition. There are obviously plenty of other things to write about so this will be the last one for […]

Roads? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Roads

It has been a few days since our last blog posting, but out here in the wild, wild west, I mean east, when you drive 20 minutes outside of Ulaanbaatar, you are pretty much stepping back into the past and things like internet connections do not exist nor are they necessary. We recently got back […]

One of the Coolest Roads in The World

Since our main mode of transportation around the world is by truck, we are always looking for interesting, scenic, and sometimes dangerous roads to drive our Toyotas down. We are constantly on the lookout for something amazing or out of the ordinary because you just never know when you will be driving your own vehicle in that part of […]