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TWBR Expedition Website 2.0
Through our original expedition, we redesigned the website a few times. So this may not be exactly a version 2.0, but the expedition website has…
Arches National Park and HDR Photography
A couple of weeks ago I took a trip to Moab, Utah and spent some time at one of my favorite places: Arches National Park. The landscapes within Arches are spectacular and like no where else on earth, at least not that I am aware of. With so many interesting things to see and so many unique shapes, shadows and colors, it was the perfect place to practice some HDR photography.
How Happy Is Your Country? – World Happiness Report
There are undoubtedly major beneficial side-effects of happiness. Happy people live longer, are more productive, earn more, and are also better citizens. Well-being should be developed both for its own sake and for its side-effects, and the report is a call to action for policymakers across the globe to make happiness a key measure and target of development.
Pride in Your Property – The Fresco Houses of Oberbayern
As if the Bavarian Alps (Oberbayern) aren’t beautiful enough with the Wetterstein Mountains and the towering peak of the Zugspitze framing up some truly spectacular…
Mandela Day
Today is Mandela Day. We wish a healthy and happy 95th birthday to Nelson Mandela and as he spends his 41st day in hospital in…
The Most Corrupt Institutions in the World
Earlier this month, Transparency International, the anti-corruption and pro-transparency think tank based out of Berlin, Germany released their 2013 Global Corruption Barometer. The comprehensive survey revealed that a startling 1 in 4 people had paid a bribe in the last 12 months and over half the people surveyed believed corruption had worsened.
Flashback Friday: Scary Travel Encounters
We certainly had our fair share of encounters that made our heart rate increase more than just a little bit on The World by Road, but usually these situations resolved themselves one way or another and actually turned into some of the most memorable experiences on the expedition.
The Power To Light Up Times Square
Its easy to get caught up by the sights, sounds and smells of Times Square, but on a recent trip to the Big Apple, my curiosity was sparked by another aspect: how much power does it take to keep all of the signs, lights and billboards in Times Square lit up 24/7?
Another Reason to Like Jacques Cousteau
“However fragmented the world, however intense the national rivalries, it is an inexorable fact that we become more interdependent every day.”