Category Archives: World News

Where Has All of the Water Gone?

One of the areas that I wanted to visit since the beginning of this expedition was the Aral Sea. The Area Sea straddles Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and these days is not really much of a sea anymore. In fact, experts believe that the desertification of the entire body of water could be complete in the […]

It is truly a different world.

In each country there are things that happen or things you read that remind you just how upside down the world is that surrounds you.  On my recent trip back to the states, I purchased some 2-way radios for the trucks.  When I was meandering about town trying to find the best setup I found […]

Keeping The Faith

I have to admit, our time spent in Kazakhstan was less than to be desired. A series of events, albeit isolated, left a pretty bad taste in our collective TWBR mouths and we were extremely ready to leave. I do not want to take our experiences in Almaty, Kazakhstan and use them to generalize the […]


I have to admit, when I first arrived in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia a few weeks ago, what I encountered was far from what I expected. Honestly, I do not really know what I expected Ulaanbaatar to be like. I did not know much about the city, it’s history, or what the future held in store for […]

A long time ago in a State far far away…

We did an interview on the radio in Denver, CO.  Have a listen.

Laos National Radio Interview

It has taken a little while, but here is the interview that we did on Laos National Radio.  In the more remote parts of the province they are not able to get the radio signal, so they take tapes that are played everywhere on a loud speaker.  So imagine this belting our from the PAs […]

The Lack of Influence is Amazing

We often get asked why we are driving around the world. Questions like what charity is it for or what cause are we trying to raise awareness about come up fairly frequently. For the most part, we are driving around the world for our own awareness and adventure. What is wrong with that? Alright, we do […]

Mountains, Winding Roads and Your Friendly Neighborhood Rebels

Laos is an extremely beautiful country and has provided some much needed relief to the topographic mundaneness we were beginning to feel from the rest of SE Asia. Dramatic limestone carst cliffs dot the landscape pretty much the entire length of the country and the wilderness here is very pristine. Given the relatively small population […]

Knock Knock Knockin’ on China’s Door

After many months, numerous phone calls, help from countless people, a few foreign wire transfers between international bank accounts, and enough red tape to wrap the Great Wall, we have finally been authorized to enter China. That’s right, the powers that be in Beijing have signed and stamped all of our paperwork and our contact […]

Mine Boggling

Before we even arrived in Cambodia, I knew the country had a troubled past and one of the results of the conflicts is a landscape littered with land mines. You occasionally read about the Cambodian land mine problem in a magazine or hear about it when a famous celebrity mentions something about it at a PR event. […]