Category Archives: Asia

New Photos – Khiva

Khiva is another ancient Silk road town in Uzbekistan and lies just a few kilometers north of Turkmenistan. Khiva is one of the western-most towns in Uzbekistan and beyond the historic walls of this mythical place lies the barren and inhospitable Qizilqum Desert. Khiva would be our last stop before heading out into the desert […]

New Photos – Bukhara

After a few days in Samarkand, we headed west to Bukhara, another spectacular Uzbek city. Many of us actually found Bukhara to be more amazing than Samarkand and it truly felt like taking a step back in time to bustling trading center on the Silk Road. Just when you think you have seen the most […]

Uzbekistan – The Breakfast

When you drive your own vehicle, you get the opportunity to have some pretty unique experiences. One of those experiences happened just outside of Samarkand, UZ. We had pushed through from Tashkent but arrived near Samarkand pretty late in the evening so decided to spend the night in the trucks near an open field. We […]

Uzbekistan – Tashkent/Samarkand Photos

We had been warned a couple of times about the paranoid nature of the government in Uzbekistan and the restrictions placed on most people’s civil liberties. However, politics and powerful dictatorships aside, we immediately fell in love with Uzbekistan and its people. Everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. In Tashkent we actually found a Toyota […]

Kyrgyzstan Photos

Kyrgyzstan was an amazing place and quite a refreshing change from Kazakhstan. We immediately encountered change from the minute we crossed the border in the middle of a blizzard to the friendly locals who helped us out in Osh. Kyrgyzstan offered up dramatic mountain scenery and friendly faces. Kyrgyzstan was also where we met up […]

We are caught up!!!! – Here is Kazakhstan

It has now been over 2 months since we were in Kazakhstan, and we are sincerely sorry for the delay in getting caught up on photos. Now that we have had this few days on the Hurtigruten, we will be releasing the latest photo galleries over this week. Today we have Kazakhstan. Since we were […]

Goodbye Blue Tarp

As most of you are all aware, someone broke into the Sequoia in Kazakhstan and robbed us and in the process of the robbery, the rear passenger window was completely shattered. Since the break-in, we have been using a blue plastic tarp as a make-shift window and have been dealing with the added cold, noise […]

And the photos you may not even know you were waiting for – Western Mongolia

We are still slow on the catch up of getting photos online.  But we do have one of the best galleries to date up on the site now.  Western Mongolia was one of the most difficult, most hard on the trucks, most dangerous and most beautiful routes to date.  We spent over a week driving […]

Mongolian Wedding Photos, etc.

While in Mongolia, Brendan (who was traveling with us at the time) and I had the unique and amazing opportunity to attend a traditional Mongolian wedding. The wedding took place in the countryside about 350 kms west of Ulaanbaatar. A traditional wedding lasts for about seven days and it was quite an experience. We made […]

It is affecting us all.

After making our way through Inner Mongolia and leaving China, the sight of the sky and fresh air in our lungs was like exiting some sort of biosphere project testing how much pollution the human body can handle in one sitting. After three weeks in China, our lungs were beaten down and each breath was […]