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Getting into Africa has eased the burden on our pocketbook to a certain extent. Hopefully the days of six dollar and eight dollar per gallon fuel are in our rearview mirror. Fuel is still a little bit on the expensive side for our own liking here in Africa, but at least we hit a tax free zone in Western Sahara and were able to cut down our our consumption costs. Unfortunately, when one problem seems to be resolved, another one presents itself. Believe it or not, leaded gas is still in use throughout many parts of Africa even though it was phased out in the US decades ago. In some parts, leaded fuel is the only option aside from diesel… say for instance the entire country of Mauritania. Fortunately, we are able to carry about 400 liters of fuel and have only had to use leaded for a tank or two so the catalytic converters should not be effected too much.

Mileage, Fuel Consumption and Cost