Tag Archives: ushuaia

New Photos – Tierra del Fuego and Ushuaia

Tierra del Fuego is the southern most province in Argentina and in the world for that matter. Just as La Paz is home to pretty much the highest everything in the world, Tierra del Fuego and Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world, are home to pretty much the southern most everything in the world.

Taking it One Step Further

When it comes to driving around the world, obviously there are several different routes you can take because as far as I know, there is no one official path to take. I assume that if you make it a full 360 degrees from east to west, or from west to east, you can lay claim to driving around the world, barring of course the time and distance that you and your vehicle(s) spend crossing the bodies of water that lay in between. On our particular expedition, we are covering the appropriate east-west distance to fulfill our goal of driving around the world but in the process, we are also deviating quite a bit north of the equator and quite a bit south …

A brief insight to our foreseeable future…

I think it is safe to say that most members of the crew are becoming a little stir crazy as we wait to get back on the road. Most of us have been here for two weeks or longer and starting to not believe anyone when they say “any day now”, but as it stands, […]