Category Archives: Book and Media Recommendations

Heartbeat of Cambodia

Phnom Penh. The capital city of Cambodia. It is without a doubt one of the most interesting cities we have been to yet. It is a city full of life, culture, history as well as intrigue and mystery. A lot has gone down in Phnom Penh but from the looks of it, the city has a […]

When is our chance?

When you start an expedition like TWBR, you want to believe that at least on some levels you are the first, or the fastest or the longest.  You want to feel like all of you efforts are worthy of maybe a prize or commendation or something. In the process of researching this adventure we found many […]

The music of the week

One of the things that you need to carry you along for the long days on the road is good tunes.  I am going to recommend music that I am listening to in the hopes that if you like it, you go to Amazon and buy it so that we can help to fund our […]