When is our chance?

When you start an expedition like TWBR, you want to believe that at least on some levels you are the first, or the fastest or the longest.  You want to feel like all of you efforts are worthy of maybe a prize or commendation or something.

In the process of researching this adventure we found many other people who had done similar journey’s to ours.  We certainly cannot go by a week without someone asking whether we knew about Ewan McGregor’s trip on a motorcycle. Yes we are well aware that Obi Wan drove his motorbike around the world, thank you for belittling what we are doing once again.

But all jokes aside, we are honestly stoked and have our hats off to anyone that has done or will try to do something like this.  It is well worth your time and effort.  Everyone who accomplishes these types of journeys certainly have something unique about them that sets them apart.

The most recent book I have read about fellow adventurers is Road Fever by Tim Cahill.  It is a very humorous book about breaking the record for the fastest journey along the Pan American highway. As another one of those books that you will not be able to put down once you start reading, it will teach you about everything from defining Guinness records to evading bandits it Africa.

So why did I chose the title for this blog? After reading this book I found out that Tim Cahill’s partner in crime is Gary Sowerby the man that has the record for the fastest trip around the world by car, the fastest journey along the Pan American highway by car, and the fastest journey from the North Cape to South Africa.  So I ask you…when will we get our chance to break some records or make our marks in the history books.

I have placed a link below to the book.  I highly recommend it.  It will make you laugh and it is pretty cheap too.  Plus you will be helping us out by purchasing the book through this link.  That is like a win8 situation.