Category Archives: Trip Thoughts

TWBR Hits the Road

Well, the moment we have been waiting for for nearly 2 years has finally arrived. Steve and I left Denver on Monday February 12th at about 5 in the evening. We were planning on leaving several hours earlier but it took a lot longer to leave than we estimated. It was pretty emotional as Steve […]

Expedition Team Update

In planning for an expedition of this nature, ultimately some things do not pan out as planned. It is an inevitable component of something on a scale such as this. We greatly appreciate all of the work and effort that Duane Batcheler put into trying to make this expedition a success. Duane is a great […]

Oh right..I am planning an expedition.

"That sounds so awesome."  "I am jealous" "I want to go along" "How are you going get across the ocean?" I hear statements like this almost everyday now.  Don’t get me wrong, I am truly excited about leaving and the adventures that lie ahead of us.  It still never lets up. For every time that […]

Color Me Pointless and the TSA

Steve, Duane and I just got back from a trip out to California to meet with some of our sponsors, get some new ones on board and meet with some interested media outlets. We flew out to San Diego and then made our way up to the Bay Area over the next week and finally […]

What kind of beers do you have on tap?

I was out the other night and a friend of mine asked at the bar, "What kind of beers do you have on tap?" to the bartender.  Normally, you would just pass this off as simple bar etiquette.  I have been thinking and there is much more to it.  We get used to having the […]

New Directions

In the past week, I made some pretty big changes in my life, all in support of our upcoming expedition around the world. Many of these changes are best summed up by borrowing a phrase from the great traveler and writer Somerset Maugham: "…he suddenly deserted his ordinary, secure world and starts a new life […]

TWBR Update: Where We Currently Stand

If you didn’t notice the countdown timer on the homepage, we have roughly 123 days until our departure. I think we owe it to ourselves and to those who have been helping out to have a "100 Days To Go" bash so stay tuned.  In the grand scheme of things, 123 days might as well […]

It doesn’t smell so rosy anymore.

I consider myself to be a person with a great attitude.  I usually see the upside or tend to look at the potential of people and places rather than what is actually before my eyes.  Whenever I arrive in New York City, the situation is no different.  For some reason everything smells just peachy and […]

What Are You Going to do When You Get Back?

I was at a party this past weekend and as usual, ended up talking about the trip with several people. One of the questions that I get asked a lot is what I am going to do when I get back. My usual response is: I don’t know. It sounds like a lame answer and […]

New Developments

Many of the contacts that we have made with various aid organizations, sponsors and media companies have seem to come about completely by chance. We usually get contacts from friends, friends of friends, relative of friends and even just casual conversation around town in bars and restaurants. One of the latest developments for TWBR was […]