Updated Timeline and Routemap

Things are ever changing here at TWBR and as part of those changes, we have made some recent modifications to the route. China put us behind, but we have been making good time catching back up.  Soon we will be into the Stans and then Europe.  One of the biggest changes to date is the new plan to head all the way up to North Cape in Norway.  This is the northern most point that roads will take you in Europe.

We have also re-added Alaska to the route at the end of the journey.  Why?  This will allow us to circumnavigate the globe not only from East to West, but now North to South as well. As part of this we will get to see the Northern Lights twice, and make a little side trip to a hotel made completely from ice in Sweden.

If you have been thinking about joining us, the timeline will also be a great way for you to plan ahead for the segment you are interested in.  We will regularly update this page as changes occur in our schedule.

So check out the new route and timeline with the links below.

