Call for Expedition Members

As many of you already know, we have had the crew fluctuating lately.  Up and down from 3-6 people we are now down to just Steve Bouey and I.  So I thought I would put out this little blog to formally announce that we are looking for crew members.  More than that though, we are just looking for interesting people to join us for even small periods of time.

We have found quite a few prospective joinees here in Bangkok, so we should have our numbers back up shortly, but we are always look for more good people.  So if you know anyone that may be interested, or are interested yourself, please email me or submit on the join us page.

All we ask from people that join is that they contribute for gas, which many times comes out to less than the cost of public transportation in many of these countries.  If you become a true asset to the crew we are even willing to pick up some of your costs.  But first things first…just come join up with us and we promise there are good times and unbelievable experiences waiting to be had.