These days there are countless names in the wingsuit flying world that are pushing the limits, getting arrested, getting hurt doing the wildest of flights. All of their stunts often get them some money or fame…maybe even some money. Without a doubt their antics get the insane stamp smacked right across their forehead.
This time around Alexander Polli has outdone himself with a flight through a hole in a rock so small that it looks like you might even need to duck if you walked through it. Flying somewhere in the low 100mphs, he has no option for bailout if his flight path leaves him a little off from his target. Nonetheless, he make it through, but if this video does not make your stomach cringe a little…then you should probably start wingsuit flying class soon too.
Way to go Mr. Polli for not killing yourself, this video could have went from awesome to mega gross in a matter of milliseconds.
You can watch more of his nutty antics here:
You can read more about another crazy Alexander here:
That’s just crazy talk! How does one even start doing this? Insane
“All of their stunts often get them some money or fame…maybe even some money.”
Also, don’t forget money.