TWBR Can Change You

TWBR has the ability to change a lot of things about you. TWBR has the ability to change the way you interact with people. TWBR has the ability to change the way you view the rest of the world. TWBR has the ability to change the way you look at yourself. Recently, I was looking through some of my identification cards and it became quite obvious that TWBR also has the ability to change to way you look period. Don’t get me wrong, I still look good…  had to throw that in there to let some people know that TWBR has not damaged my ego at all… and there are still no signs of any gray hairs even though I have now entered my thirties. However, it is kind of funny to look in the mirror from time to time ( in our case usually the rearview mirror) and see who is there.

For the most part, the "Metamorphosis of Bouey" seems to be tied directly to my hair. Whether is the hair on my head or the hair on my face, TWBR has contributed to a lot of experimentation and usually results in a good laugh or two. So, for all of you who have not been able to witness my various transformations, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. I know Galuh in Indonesia will get a serious kick out of this since she is always making fun of my hair.

Steve Bouey Passport

Ah, new Passport and apparently ready for the Army – 2004


Still keeping it clean in ’04


Getting certified to dive must make your hair grow – 2006

Steve Bouey Driving Permit

No comment – February 07

Stephen Bouey

Australia makes your hair shrink – April 07


The man with the fuzzy face – October 07


Wow, TWBR is really starting to work some magic – October 07


TWBR can also lead to mental problems – November 07


Getting ready to apply for a job at Blackwater – November 07


Beards are out in UZ but I’m bringin’ back the stash – November 07