Dear the rest of the countries in the world,

Now I know that I told all of you I would visit.  A couple of years ago was when I first started talking to all of you.  At this point I know that I look like a bit of a liar.

When Steve and I started planning a while ago we told all of you that we would give you each about 10 days.  I have not heard any outright complaints, but I can here the whispers.

"Why did Australia get 2 months?"

"How come you are still in Thailand? Your visas are about to expire."

"Hey guys you said you would visit our continent in Sept."

I know what we said.  I know that we seem to be going slow, but it is hard.  Some of your cousins are not playing very nice.  We are trying to give each and every one of you a fair chance but one of your biggest friends is holding us out for a lot of money and being a little bossy.

I won’t name any names here but Big C is blocking our path and making a serious fuss about just saying hello for a few weeks.  But enough with the excuses, the truth is that we feel really bad and after all of the tests and stipulations we will be back on path motoring along in no time.  The fact of the matter is that we are just as upset as you are.  If you could maybe ask around and help us out a little we would gladly pick up the pace, maybe you have more pull than we do.

So stay up Euros, Africans and South Americans, we are on our way and promise to bring some presents when we arrive.


Steven Shoppman