Man’s Best Friend – Sometimes

Shop has a great dog – Mogulee. She is not named after the character in the Jungle Book, but after a ski slope with lots of fun bumps in it. I have lived with Mogs for the last 7 years since she was a puppy and have helped to take care of her, so I almost feel like she is my dog as well. We get a lot of questions about what we are going to do with her when we leave. It is going to be tough not bringing her along, but something tells me she will thank us for not dragging her around in the back of a car for two years. We are fortunate enough to have Shop’s sister and other immediate family members in the area who are more than willing to take care of Mogs while we are gone, thus preventing us from having to take her out back like Olde Yeller. Only kidding…

I was thinking about taking care of dogs the other day and the wheels got cranking when I saw an advertisement for a dog walking business. Now don’t get me wrong, Kudos’ to the people who have the entrepreneurial mindset to fill a gap where there is a need, but the fact that there is a need in this area kind of bugs me. Have we gotten to the point that we don’t even have time in our busy lives to walk the dog? That is pretty F’d up if you ask me. The purpose of getting a dog I think is for mutual companionship. People enjoy the time they spend with their pets and the pets enjoy the time they spend with their owners. What is the point of getting a pet if you are never around to enjoy it, and vice versa? Then again, maybe people are buying pets for the wrong reasons these days too – look at me, I can fit my dog in my purse! Pets are similar to children and people who have kids make time for them right?  Oh wait, that is also seems to be a problem in our modern society. Some may think I am a hypocrite for even bringing this up given that we will be leaving Mogs behind for a couple of years, and that I’m making a big deal out of nothing here. I guess if you look at it from the flip side of things, at least the owners are thinking about their dog by paying someone else to take care of it. However, something tells me if Steve and I got in the habit of paying other people to walk Mogs around, she wouldn’t like it nearly as much as when one of the two of us takes her out. I can at least take comfort in the fact that she will be with family and have her two brothers Ollie and Oscar to play with.