24-Hours of Boulder

Well,  my quest to complete Ironman #5 has forced me into fear-based training right now. In other words, I had better start doing some serious training because I fear what is going to happen to me if I don’t! With all of the work I have been doing trying to get this little around the world trip going and holding down my day job, I have only had the time to get in about 60% of the workouts my coach has given me. Basically I am going out to Germany to have a good time, and if there is a beer garden on the marathon course, I may stumble in for a few brews and pump up the crowd.  However, I still want to finish the race… I have yet to DNF a race (did not finish), and I am not about to start after flying 6,000 miles to do it.  I also do not want to end up in the Krankenhaus (hospital), therefore, fear-based training has commenced.

The race in Roth, Germany is now only about 6 weeks away and I felt that I needed to get some more running in. So what better way to get running in that signing on for something this weekend that most people would think is completely unnecessary- The 24 Hours of Boulder! This is a running race that simply put, consists of how many miles you can run in the span of 24 hours. O.K., relax now, I am not completely out of my gord… I am on a relay team – Team Go Fast Addiction – with some other runners and triathlete friends who needed some extra competitors. We each run 7 miles laps in shifts and right now, I can expect to run about 21-28 miles over the course of the 24 hours. I have at least three shifts depending on how others are feeling,  including one at 4 a.m. on Sunday morning, but hey, I have been up running that early in the past – back in my college days in Boulder except for the fact that I had yet to go to sleep and I wasn’t running towards something but rather away from the cops. (joke… sort of)  However, like a true crackhead, longcourse triathlete, I, along with a few others are bringing our bikes out to the race with the hope of getting in a 4 hour ride in-between my shifts. Hey, I said I was right in the middle of fear-based training. Stay tuned, I’ll let you know how it went.