Log Onto Skype, Go Straight To Jail

[caption id="attachment_756" align="alignnone" width="630"] Skyping In Siberia[/caption]
Sounds like something you might hear if you travel to North Korea or another country with a repressive dictatorship. However, this is now the case in a country that has been fairly popular with travelers; Ethiopia. Ever since opening an account back in 2006, we have enjoyed using Skype to stay in contact with friends and family around the world and as communications technology has continued to advance, more and more people are connecting with one other and doing so with relative ease. To officials in Ethiopia though, this is a problem severe enough to warrant a 15 year jail sentence. That’s right. In essence, the Ethiopian government has banned the use of Skype within the country, although a government spokesman told the BBC that using Skype is not illegal, but making unauthorized calls on Skype is, whatever that means.

Studying Abroad IS Good for You

There has always been a sizable segment of the U.S. population that has viewed those who travel with a bit of contempt, believing travel is nothing more than an escape from reality, avoiding responsibility, taking a vacation. Given the stigma attached to travel, its not surprising that there is a similar stigma attached to studying abroad, but recent studies are finally starting to reveal the value, in quantitative terms, of international educational experiences.

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