The Beauty of Nature on Display in Russia

I recently returned from a two week trip to Russia. Compared to the expedition and some other post expedition travels, two weeks really wasn’t very long… at least it didn’t seem very long as it flew by incredibly fast, but then again, the expedition flew by like a blur as well. Needless to say, I packed in as much as I could into those two weeks: from Russian language lessons and Moscow sightseeing, to countryside barbeques and a gigantic celebration of Russian war veterans. I also packed in as much as I could into my luggage. In Colorado, May is a tricky month weather wise. It can be snowing one day and sunny and hot the next. Case in point, the Saturday before I left for Russia, the mercury hit over 80 degrees and a few days later, Denver received 10 inches of snow. This left me scratching my head as to how to pack. My friend Elena said spring in Russia can be equally unpredictable, and considering how far north I was going to be, I decided I had better be prepared for it all.

Bike to Work Day Around the World

June 27th in Colorado is Bike to Work Day; the rest of the country celebrated it last month but officials in Colorado, worried about the possibility of bad weather in the mile high state raining on the parade, pushed it back a month. I support biking to work, for me is convenient, and it’s cheaper and faster than driving. Little Pepe and the Thundra don’t fit into the tight parking spots in downtown Denver that well either, so I ride every day, even during the winter months here in Colorado. It’s only 5 miles each way and door to door it takes me about 20 minutes. For others, biking may not be so convenient; they might live farther away, they might not own a bike, or the thought of the slightest bit of physical exertion makes them shiver. Still, I am always amazed how the bike paths swell with pedal pushers and the highways empty themselves of cars on the last Wednesday in June in Colorado.

Must Attend: 64th Annual Conference on World Affairs

Anyone in the Boulder, Colorado area should check out the 64th Annual Conference on World Affairs running all week at the University of Colorado Campus in Boulder. The conference includes more than 200 panel discussions, artistic performances and lectures presented by more than 100 experts in fields ranging from Foreign Policy to Technology and Social Media and the best part; it is completely open to the public. Anyone interested in learning more about the issues shaping our society should check out the schedule and try and attend some of the panels and workshops. You won’t be disappointed.

Happy Spring Equinox

Today, Tuesday, March 20th represents the vernal equinox, or spring equinox. It is one of two points during the year when the length of day and night is essentially the same and it signals the official start of spring, and this year, it’s the earliest start since 1896. Living in Colorado, this is a welcome change of events. After a long, cold and snowy winter, at this point in the year, not only am I ready for spring, I’m ready for summer and the resumption of all the outdoor activities that keep me sane in warmer temperatures.

Take an Easy Ride: ToyTec Lifts

For many, driving a big SUV is the root of all climate change evils.  For others it is a means for their job, a lifestyle, or a way to get the soccer team to the game.  During the expedition we called our trucks home for two and a half years. Whatever your reason for owning a gas guzzler, ToyTec Lifts will turn your giant vehicle into a smooth ride.

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