Another Reason to Like Richard Branson

Those of you who travel know that it can result in countless benefits, both tangible and intangible, but it can often be hard to convince those who don’t travel that there is much more to traveling than just taking a break, going on holiday or avoiding reality.

Henry Rollins Tells It Like It Is

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For many people who travel, trying to sum up their experiences, and more importantly, trying to sum up the value of travel in and of itself, is a difficult to do. Fortunately, someone who is used to speaking their mind, telling it like it is and doing so in a way that is simple, yet thought provoking has done just that. So thanks to Henry Rollins for laying it out. Now if only more people can pick up what he’s putting down… and be sure to check out this interesting  interview by WorldHum  in which Henry relates the following words of wisdom.

Apparently Fake is Better and Traveling is Overrated

It goes without saying that we here at The World by Road Collective love travel and everything related to it, so it is only natural when we hear someone or something mention something even remotely tangential to the subject of travel, our ears perk up. Such was the case when earlier today I was driving back to my house and my ears caught a commercial on the radio advertising the new exhibit, Elephant Passage at the Denver Zoo. It wasn’t the grand opening of this $50 million exhibit featuring Asian elephants, which one only picks up on at the end of the advert, it was how they went about promoting the attraction.

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